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TfL under investigation from the GLA as George Osborne faces probe about £30m Garden Bridge grant

The Garden Bridge and Transport for London come under fire from the Greater London Authority on Thursday 17th September at 2pm: .

Go along to London’s City Hall and you can and hear what TfL has to say about how they came to the conclusion that it made good business sense and good value for public money, to choose the most expensive and inexperienced bridge designer Thomas Heatherwick, out of two other highly skilled and experienced bridge builders, to create a new crossing for London (incidentally the initial brief didn’t say it had to be a ‘garden’ bridge). You can also watch the event live online:

And Chancellor George Osborne is under scrutiny from the National Audit Office at the request of the Chair of the Public Accounts Committee after TCOS approached MP Gareth Thomas, who helped to raise our concerns

So it looks like the Garden Bridge is on very shaky ground indeed. And we are still waiting for the mechanism by which Boris Johnson intends to guarantee the maintenance costs for the bridge; when we do, we suspect we may have another legal case on our hands but with your help, we can be ready for that. We are raising funds for the legal fees so please support us here:

With regards to the land issue, Lambeth Council have yet to inform us about how the leaseholders of the land Coin Street Community Builders (CSCB), are intending to change the terms of their lease (known as a disposal) so that they can sub-lease the land to the Garden Bridge Trust (GBT). This would trigger a delay of up to 6 months as we have registered this piece of land as an Asset of Community Value and therefore we have the right to put in a bid and raise funds to buy that bit of land. But it’s gone very quiet – what plans are being hatched behind closed doors? In any case, it would be absolute folly for Lambeth Council to allow CSCB to change the terms of the lease to enable the Garden Bridge to be built, as the borough of Lambeth and its constituents stand to gain very little from what would effectively be a huge public subsidy for the developers.

In the meantime we are continuing to gather signatures on the South Bank at the site where the bridge would land outside ITV so come an join us and say hello and please continue to spread the word on Twitter @TCOSLondon and other forms of social media e.g. Facebook Instagram

Please be vigilant and keep an eye on the planning conditions that the GBT have to discharge one by one here using this application code 14/02792/FUL and email all of your concerns to the Chair of the Planning Committee Cllr Clair Wilcox


We are dedicated to saving public space on the South Bank and over the River Thames. The controversial Garden Bridge is not needed here, it would destroy protected views and is democratically and environmentally damaging. Help us stop this now.




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14/8/17 London's Garden Bridge project scrapped

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22/6/17 Standards commissioner examines complaint against Garden Bridge review

11/5/17 Good riddance to the Garden Bridge: an eye-watering waste of public funds by Walter Menteth

29/4/17 Lumley fights on for her fabulous bridge


28/4/17 The garden bridge is dead – now £37m of public money must be repaid


28/4/17 Garden Bridge: London mayor Sadiq Khan withdraws support


16/4/17 Garden bridge project is a landmark of the post-truth era

15/4/17 A garden bridge to nowhere

7/4/17 Garden Bridge should be scrapped, Hodge review finds


27/3/17 Garden Bridge could cost £22 million more than forecast

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23/2/17 Top criminal QC raises ‘serious concerns’ over Garden Bridge contest

9/2/17 London garden bridge case weaker now than in 2014, says Treasury official

8/2/17 Garden Bridge: all-party pressure on Sadiq not to sign guarantee

15/1/17 Let’s not be led any further up the garden bridge


11/01/17 London garden bridge project's future is in doubt, say trustees

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16/12/16 MPs investigating Garden Bridge question need for scheme

14/12/16 Letter from PAC chair Meg Hillier to  Treasury Permanent Secretary

9/11/16 TCOS response to the GBT's misleading autumn newsletter

16/10/16 Controversial garden bridge to cost public total of £50m – even if it fails to go ahead

11/10/16 Mayor must refuse to sign the Garden Bridge maintenance guarantee: statement on NAO report

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11/10/16 Department for Transport ignored official advice not to risk public money on Garden Bridge

22/9/16 London’s garden bridge would benefit only the rich

22/9/16 Dame Margaret Hodge MP to conduct review into Garden Bridge project

7/9/16 Garden Bridge Adjournment Debate in the House of Commons led by Kate Hoey MP

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30/6/16 National Audit Office investigates London garden bridge grant


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21/3/16 The Garden Bridge project reeks of cronyism and improper process. And here are the other 25 problems with it


18/3/16 London's Boris Johnson 'chided' over Garden Bridge design contract


9/3/16 Toilets and terrorism: Lambeth approves Garden Bridge plans 


7/3/16:  Garden Bridge: London council allegedly threatened over Thames project - by Peter Walker


7/3/16 Taking the piss out on the Garden Bridge - by George Turner


6/3/16 Thames garden bridge faces last-ditch challenge from local politicians - by Peter Walker

3/3/16 Lambeth could take Garden Bridge decision behiind closed doors - by James Hatts


1/3/16 Caroline Pidgeon pledges total opposition to the Garden Bridge - by Caroline Pidgeon


February 2016 ‘Thames Garden Bridge Procurement issues’ Walter Menteth, Project Compass CIC.

24/2/16 "On Bullshit" & the Garden Bridge - by Dan Anderson


14/2/16 Garden bridge: a project promoted and sold with half‑truths, deceptions and evasions - by Rowan Moore.


14/2/16 You've had your fun - let's put the Garden Bridge to bed now - by Rachel Holdsworth


13/2/16 Why is London's Garden Bridge worth as much as five Lancashire museums? Ask Joanna Lumley - by Ian Jack


12/2/16 London's Garden Bridge is exposing the messy business of architecture competitions - by Diana Budds


10/2/16 London Green party call halt to privatisation of public space in London - by Sian Berry


10/2/16 Is it still possible to stop the Garden Bridge? - by Will Wiles.


9/2/16 Garden Bridge procurement statement from RIBA - Jane Duncan


31/1/16 Muddy Waters - Jobs for the boys - by Walter Menteth

29/1/16 The Garden Bridge subverts the lessons of history - by Dan Anderson


20/1/16 Boris Johnson evades Tom Copley AM's questions about the Garden Bridge


20/1/16 Londoners' money put at risk by the Garden Bridge  - by Will  Hurst


17/1/16 George Osborne under attack overGarden Bridge cash pledge - by Mark Townsend


21/11/15 Why we must stop Thomas Heatherwick's Garden Bridge - by Jack Wakefield


17 Sept 2015. GLA Oversight Committee Agenda Item 8, p71-72. Walter Menteth Report submission to the GLA Oversight Committee to inform their examination into the procurement of the design and technical services for the Thames Garden Bridge. Document review, analysis, report & response to GLA questions by Walter Menteth of Project Compass CIC as expert witness on behalf of industry. 34p.



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